Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Name Crisis Averted!

I know that the naming process really hasn't dragged on nearly as long as I feel that it has, but since Madelyn was named before she was even conceived [Yes, really - as a matter of fact, we picked the name Madelyn for our hypothetical baby girl on the airplane en route to our honeymoon destination!], it feels that it has taken forever to name this one! After going through quite a lengthy list of [my] favorites, though, Richard and I have finally settled on a name that both of us love. Our problem up until now: I had enough names to name about twenty girls, and Richard vetoed almost every one of them! His major complaint: Most of the names I liked sounded "grandmotherly" to him. I personally love that older names (names that were popular, yes, when our grandmothers were born) are coming back around, but he just couldn't get past the fact that those he presently knows who carry those names also have gray hair. Anyhow, without further adieu, I'm proud to announce our second sweet baby girl will be named...

Now, I have a request: Please refrain from pointing out the fact that the name Elsie technically fits into the older-names-that-are-coming-back-around category, because I really lucked-out here. Richard apparently doesn't know of any older ladies that carry that name, and he happens to really like the name!

And to answer a couple of questions that I've already been asked:
- Elsie is pronounced ELL-see.
- She will go by Elsie. [Olivia was originally our first choice, but we've decided to use it as a middle name, because we know that it's a really popular name right now and that there are Olivias popping up all over the place.]

And not because anyone asked but because I want to share, a few side notes:
- Taylor absolutely cannot pronounce "Olivia." It always comes out as "uh-LIH-dee-uh." (I think it's supremely cute that his eight-year-old self still has something that it can't pronounce!)
- Madelyn can say "Elsie" on command. It comes out as "eh-EE." (Ah! Melt my heart!)

We're all pretty excited.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sunshine on a February Day

I have been sewing up a storm for the past week. Since last Friday, I've made a summer top, a sun suit, and a tunic dress for Madelyn, in addition to two infant dresses for the baby. I also finished up a little A-line dress and a bolero jacket for Madelyn that had been sitting in the "in progress" pile in my sewing room for a while. And then my sewing machine decided that it needed a break - so it went on strike - and I was really sad at the thought of ending my sewing spree in order to have it serviced.

But I woke up this morning to sunshine - lots and lots of sunshine - and by the afternoon, it was a remarkable 82 degrees outside! So right after lunch, Madelyn and I went outside to enjoy the weather, and we packed more fun into this afternoon than we have in the past several afternoons. Ball in the yard, some time on the swingset, a stroll around the neighborhood, and some time on the trampoline, too. It was the first time Madelyn had really held her own on the trampoline, and she was serious about it: 

Taylor, of course, enjoyed the sunshine as much as Madelyn and I did, once he got home from school; however, he didn't make it into a single picture today! I just didn't have the heart to ask him to stop running around to take any. Madelyn is, of course, still blissfully ignorant of the fact that I am constantly snapping photos of her - Taylor is not. (Even having dodged the Mamarazzi today, he made the comment to me this evening: "You know what I would hate about being famous? All the pictures!") 

But since it was beautiful outside, I felt like I had more reason than ever to take lots of pictures - so I took advantage of Madelyn's blissful ignorance - and this big patch of buttercups was the perfect spot to do that.

[She really wanted me to smell the flowers.]


[She wasn't gonna take no for an answer.]

And that's really all that there was to today - but it was such a sweet, sweet day. 

Thank you, Lord, for a day of sunshine!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Day

Richard is always so sweet on Valentine's Day. I hope that Taylor watches him and learns from him - and remembers, one of these days, that it doesn't take much to make your wife happy on Valentine's Day. Show her that you care about her, show her that you value her, show her that you love her. And however you choose to show her, as long as you convey the message, you've given her all she needs. 

I say that to say that this year was no exception. Instead of getting someone else to put together a floral arrangement, Richard went to the store and bought craft supplies, decorated a vase himself, bought a few calla lilies (because he knew they were my favorite from our wedding), and then went outside and picked a giant bunch of daffodils to fill out the rest of the vase. [The only thing that would've made it more perfect would have been if I'd been able to sneak a peek of him picking those daffodils. I don't know that there's a more perfect image to a woman than to think of her man going to pick her flowers - and in the cold, no less!]

So, yeah - I'm gushing. But he is really sweet.

More sweetness: During our Valentine's Day lunch today, Richard let me babble on about a million different things - and, believe me, I babbled. (So, Taylor, another tidbit to tuck away for future reference: Let her talk - and listen.)

For the second half of the day, I had a short list of things I wanted to accomplish:
(1) Take a photo of Taylor and Madelyn with their Valentine's Day balloons. (Yeah, I have a thing for balloons - but the photo was primarily for my grandmother, who had been so thoughtful to buy the balloons for them.)

* Result: For once, Taylor was happy to comply with my request for a photo. Hooray! (I'd started with "Now, I know you're not a fan of pictures..." but he'd interrupted me and said, much to my delight, "No, it's okay. It's Valentine's Day. You're supposed to be sweet on Valentine's Day.")

(2) Make a super-simple valentine for Richard from Taylor and Madelyn.

* Result: I really didn't think this one through. Of course, Taylor's handprint was a piece of cake, but I forgot that, when you put something slimy on a baby's hand, that baby is gonna want to squish it around and rub it onto the other hand - and onto anything else that is close by. So. We did Madelyn's handprint, and then she rubbed pink paint on her opposite hand - and, as I realized my mistake and ran with her to the kitchen sink, she managed to get it on her shirt, her pants, and her socks. Mom fail. Needless to say, the clothes went straight into the washer - we'll see soon enough if I got them there quickly enough! (Of course, Madelyn was tickled pink [no pun intended] that she got to shed her clothes for the rest of the evening.) 

All that being said, though, I still don't think there's a more precious valentine than a piece of paper with a couple of handprints on it - so - still worth it.

(3) Make pretty pink pancakes for dinner.

* Result: Well, although my plan was to make the easiest thing that I could for dinner without ignoring the fact that it was Valentine's Day, preparing it ended up being a much more tiring process than I'd expected (due to Madelyn's shrieks of anticipation). She was - to put it mildly - very, very impatient (to be more specific, she was clinging to my leg and wailing as I made the pancakes). Everyone did eventually get their fill, though, and they were pretty and pink, just as I'd hoped they would be. 

[I don't have a picture of the finished product - I was trying
to avoid a Madelyn meltdown! Isn't the batter pretty, though?]

Bonus: Taylor actually came up to me as I was about to take Madelyn to bed and said, "I feel like you just need a hug" - and gave me one. Really, that made my Valentine's Day. He's always so attentive to me when he can tell that I'm tired. 

In Madelyn's defense, though, heaven knows that I'm not the happiest camper when I'm hungry! I should know better than to expect anything other than shrieks when she's ready to eat. So, for the sake of sharing, here's a photo that I took this morning:

[She's always happy in the morning!]

So, this Valentine's Day, summed-up: full of simple and sweet little delights. 

And if you're reading this, I hope yours was full of those, too.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hooray! What A Day!

To begin with, for reasons that I don't really need to share, I ended up with a last-minute appointment with my doctor this morning to check on the baby. Thankfully, we confirmed that the baby is doing really well (and is actually really fiesty!) - and then the sweet nurse told me that they could go ahead and do the fetal assessment while I was there! Yay - no more waiting!

So. I did the right thing and called Richard to confirm what I already knew that he was going to say - that he wanted us to find out the baby's gender together. And I'm gonna pat myself on the back here - I did the right thing, covered my eyes at the appropriate time during the ultrasound, let the nurse put the  ultrasound photos in an envelope, and drove all the way home without touching that tempting white envelope. (I really, really love my husband.)

Then, when I got home, I decided that I should take advantage of the opportunity to capture the gender reveal on film. So after I picked up Taylor from school, we went to buy balloons - because I had this picture in my head of a sweet little photo of the kids, holding either pink or blue balloons, commemorating the moment. But there were no helium-filled blue balloons to be found. So we bought five beautiful, shimmery, pink heart-shaped balloons - and then went from there to buy sad little cheap packaged blue balloons from Walmart. (I figured, hey, if it was a boy, we could still blow them up and scatter them around the kids for the photo.) 

Madelyn absolutely adored the balloons. She "ooh"ed and "aah"ed the whole way home. And the closer we got to home, the more excited I got about the idea of this super-adorable photo. I also decided that we'd first take a shot at catching Richard's and my reaction on camera. But then we got home - and Richard had just pulled into the driveway - which meant that he'd just gotten off work - which meant that he was really, really dirty. And he said what I knew he'd say - that he didn't want his picture taken. So I begged a little (just a little, because I have a super-sweet husband who knew how much it meant to me and didn't really need much to be persuaded). 

So Richard changed his clothes, and he threw on a hat, and we went outside (because I absolutely love natural light and absolutely hate taking indoor photos when I have the option of an outdoor photo). And that's how sweet Taylor became a photographer. And I have to say - for his first time, I'm quite  impressed with him. The pictures are just what they're supposed to be - they captured the moment.

(It took us a minute to find the right photo...) 

(We found it!) 

(And this is Richard's I'm-really-excited-but-terrified face.)

The funniest thing, though? Richard and I were so giddy and giggly, Taylor started jumping up and down saying, "I was right?! I was right?! It's a boy?!" So we had to show him that, no, it is, in fact, a girl! [Hip-hip-hooray! Insert cheers here! And also, for the record, I need to say: I was right! I was right! Mother's intuition was right this time!] 

And then I remembered the beautiful pink balloons - so I ran inside to get them, got the kids situated in the yard, and started to help Taylor tie his shoes - but forgot that I was the only one holding the balloons. So before I realized what was happening, they were sailing off into the distance.

(What a sad sight!)

I was bummed - mostly because I'd gone to the trouble of making a stop and buying the balloons and hadn't gotten any benefit from them (but also because they were just so darn adorable). I did get this sweet photo, though - and I certainly won't forget this day! 

 And, to end on another funny note, I have this photo to share: 

[After we came back inside, Taylor made a slight change to my chalkboard sign.
I think that the news may take a little while to sink in. 
Good thing he's so crazy about his sister Madelyn!]